Evadeen gives interview on ITV
The author Evadeen Brickwood in an interview with Julie Alli of ITV at their Johannesburg studios, talking about life and family and her boo
Author Interview at Book Festival
What inspires your writing, Evadeen?
Evadeen's TV Interview on Morning Live
So, I've got blog interviews, radio and Skype interviews under my belt and now also my first TV interview on the popular South African...
Book Launch Interview with Evadeen
https://randburgsun.co.za/330293/rhinos-whisper-at-skoobs-theatre-of-books/ Have a look at my latest interview in the local paper :)
Interview on Book Talk Radio
Today, Claire Harris-Perkins from St. Albans in England skyped with Evadeen in Johannesburg for an interview on Book Talk Radio. The...